Agent-based algorithm

Mehmet Akif Cifci
2 min readFeb 10, 2023


An agent-based algorithm is a type of computer algorithm that simulates the behavior and decision-making processes of autonomous agents, or “agents,” in a specified environment or system. The agents in an agent-based algorithm are designed to operate independently and interact with each other and the environment to achieve their goals or complete tasks.

Agent-based algorithms are often used to model complex systems, such as social networks, economies, and ecosystems. They are also used to develop artificial intelligence and machine learning systems, such as self-driving cars or recommendation systems.

The agents' behavior in an agent-based algorithm is defined by a set of rules or algorithms, which determine how they interact with each other and the environment. The output of an agent-based algorithm is a simulation of the agent's behavior over time, which can be used to gain insights into the behavior of the system being modeled.

Some examples are:

1. Social Networks: Agent-based algorithms can be used to model the behavior of individuals in a social network, considering their interactions and relationships with each other.

2. Economies: In economics, agent-based algorithms can model and simulate the behavior of individuals and organizations in a market.

3. Ecosystems: Agent-based algorithms can model species' behavior and interactions within an ecosystem. This can help to understand how different species compete for resources and interact with each other.

4. Self-driving cars: Agent-based algorithms can be used to develop intelligent systems for self-driving cars. The algorithm can simulate the behavior of a self-driving car as an autonomous agent, taking into account its interactions with other vehicles and the environment. This can help to evaluate the performance of the system and make improvements.

5. Recommendation Systems: Agent-based algorithms can be used to develop recommendation systems, such as those used by online retailers to suggest products to customers. The algorithm can model customers' behavior as agents and consider their past purchases and interactions with the system to make recommendations.

import random
import matplotlib.pyplot
import matplotlib.animation

import random

class Environment:
def __init__(self):
self.height = 100
self.width = 100

class Agent:
def __init__(self, environment, agents, neighbourhood, x, y):
self.environment = environment
self.agents = agents
self.neighbourhood = neighbourhood
self.x = x
self.y = y

environment = Environment()
agents = []
neighbourhood = 10
num_of_agents = 7

agents.append(Agent(environment, agents, neighbourhood, 0, 0))
agents.append(Agent(environment, agents, neighbourhood, 1, 1))
agents.append(Agent(environment, agents, neighbourhood, 2, 2))
agents.append(Agent(environment, agents, neighbourhood, 3, 3))
agents.append(Agent(environment, agents, neighbourhood, 4, 4))
agents.append(Agent(environment, agents, neighbourhood, 5, 5))
agents.append(Agent(environment, agents, neighbourhood, 6, 6))

def update(frame_number):
global environment
global agents
for i in range(len(agents)):
for j in range(len(agents)):
if i != j:
distance = (((agents[i].x - agents[j].x)**2) + ((agents[i].y - agents[j].y)**2))**0.5
if distance <= agents[i].neighbourhood:
agents[i].x = (agents[i].x + agents[j].x) / 2
agents[i].y = (agents[i].y + agents[j].y) / 2
for i in range(len(agents)):
agents[i].x = (agents[i].x + random.randint(-1,1)) % environment.width
agents[i].y = (agents[i].y + random.randint(-1,1)) % environment.height
matplotlib.pyplot.xlim(0, environment.width)
matplotlib.pyplot.ylim(0, environment.height)
for i in range(len(agents)):

fig = matplotlib.pyplot.figure(figsize=(7, 7))
matplotlib.pyplot.xlim(0, environment.width)
matplotlib.pyplot.ylim(0, environment.height)

animation = matplotlib.animation.FuncAnimation(fig, update, interval=1, repeat=False, frames=100)



Mehmet Akif Cifci
Mehmet Akif Cifci

Written by Mehmet Akif Cifci

Mehmet Akif Cifci holds the position of associate professor in the field of computer science in Austria.

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