Latent Feature Latent Dirichlet Allocation

Mehmet Akif Cifci
2 min readFeb 11, 2023


Latent Feature Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LFLDA) is a statistical model used for topic modeling in natural language processing. It is a type of generative probabilistic model that tries to uncover hidden topics in a collection of text documents.

LFLDA extends the traditional Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) model by introducing latent features to model the correlations among the words within a topic and among the topics within a document. The latent features help to capture the semantic relationships between the words and topics, making the resulting topics more interpretable.

In the context of the study mentioned in the text, LFLDA was used to identify the topics present in the text messages sent by mental health professionals as part of the treatment for alcohol use disorder. The hyperparameters α, β, and K were optimized to find the best fit for the alcohol use disorder text messages dataset.

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Here’s a simple example to help illustrate how LFLDA works:

Let’s say we have a collection of 10 documents and we want to uncover the hidden topics in these documents. Each document can be represented as a mixture of topics and each topic can be represented as a mixture of words.

With LFLDA, we would first specify the number of topics we want to uncover (let’s say, 5 topics). Then, for each document, we would assign a probability for each of the 5 topics. For example, the first document may have 50% probability of being about topic 1, 30% probability of being about topic 2, and 20% probability of being about topic 3.

Next, for each topic, we would assign a probability for each of the words in our vocabulary (let’s say, 100 words). For example, topic 1 may have a high probability of words like “sports,” “athletes,” and “games,” while topic 2 may have a high probability of words like “politics,” “government,” and “elections.”

With this information, we can now infer the topics present in each document and the words that are associated with each topic. This can be useful in various applications, such as text classification, document clustering, and information retrieval.

Such an example is Python

from gensim.corpora import Dictionary
from gensim.models import LfldaModel

# A list of documents, where each document is represented as a list of words
documents = [["sports", "athletes", "games"],
["politics", "government", "elections"],
["food", "cooking", "recipes"],
["health", "medicine", "doctors"],
["technology", "computers", "smartphones"]]

# Creating a dictionary from the documents
dictionary = Dictionary(documents)

# Converting the documents into a bag-of-words format
corpus = [dictionary.doc2bow(doc) for doc in documents]

# Specifying the number of topics
num_topics = 2

# Training the LFLDA model
model = LfldaModel(corpus=corpus, id2word=dictionary, num_topics=num_topics)

# Printing the topics
for topic_id, topic in model.print_topics(-1):
print("Topic #%s: %s" % (topic_id, topic))



Mehmet Akif Cifci
Mehmet Akif Cifci

Written by Mehmet Akif Cifci

Mehmet Akif Cifci holds the position of associate professor in the field of computer science in Austria.

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